02.20.11-Rachael at Home

"I've been back in Carmel now for five weeks. It's been a whirlwind with me in the middle, trying to stay focused on the journey ahead. Between ordering medical supplies, scheduling doctor's appointments, lining up caregivers, massage, acupuncture, physical and occupational therapy, catching up with friends, cruising to the beach, my gallery and the post office, playing "Angry Birds" on my iPad, and watching "Regis and Kelly" and "Jeopardy," I have little time for much else; but that's a lot.

I love my newly-retrofitted little cottage among the trees. My grandma comes down every day to see if my legs are working yet: "Not yet, Grandma."

I have two benefits coming up.
The first, The Big Sur Chanterelle Festival, on Saturday, Feb. 26th. www.bigsurchanterelle.com

The second, a family-sponsored food, wine, art and music event, at Hidden Valley Arts Institute, is scheduled for Sunday, April 10th. www.bethelightfundraiser.com

I hope to see you there!

To my wonderful community: Thank you again!" Rachael Elizabeth Short

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************

01.04.11- Rachael Returns

And she is home. Finally home.

No more stale hospital. No more beeps, buzzes and hisses from machines. No more bad food. No more tubes. The transition to the Pine Tree House will be another challenge in itself, but for now it is a welcome change of pace and environment. Same family. Same friends. Same sense of humor.

The first day back home was joyous controlled chaos. Covered by balloons her little sister eagerly wanted to show Rachael every last detail of her new Carmel studio. I think we all felt as excited as Racheal's little sister for her return home.

The new path that was built by Rachael's community worked perfectly on the first run and upon entering her new home she was overwhelmed by loved ones. There is still work to be done to finish the renovation but on this crisp day the fire and the community was keeping it nice and toasty inside.

This new stage of being home is where her next fight begins, without the daily help of doctors and nurses. Without the machines. Without the cameras. She will need her rest and her determined character will guide her forward.

All though Rachael is not at the hospital, on their schedule, she is still incredibly busy and she has heaps to attend to. She would love to see all her friends but has requested that you call first to make sure she is available or up for a visit.

Let the warm Carmel light filter through the trees and come shinning through the window. Keep thinking good thoughts. Be the light.

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************

01.03.11- Pushing Off and Moving On

Rachael waits patiently as her mother prepares things for her last day in the hospital. Waiting is the operative word. She waits to eat. Waits to have her teeth brushed. Waits to be helped into her chair. And she has been waiting for over two months to return to her home.

Her room is often empty now. She seems to always be on the move. Little movements have become so important to Rachael. She has been learning to use a power assisted wheelchair and gaining dexterity and strength. When I ask her what she is most excited about in regards to movement she replied, "Picking my own nose!"

Rachael Elizabeth Short, after 66 days of staring at the hospital walls and breathing the stale air, she is returning to her new home in Carmel Tuesday January 4th!!

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************

12.22.10- Counting Down Looking Up


Acutely focused on her return home to Carmel, Rachael continues to work everyday getting stronger and poised for the big change coming. It is now official that on January 4th, 2011, Rachael Elizabeth Short will be going home after over 2 months in the hospital.

Rachael's circle has been working hard getting things ready at her future home. "The Carmel house is coming along. New pathways, new bathroom, and the black widows are getting removed," says Rachael. She lights up when she talks about going home and is very thankful for all the work everybody has been doing to help make it possible by retrofitting the house.

"We just got a little thing for the back of my truck so I can roll the wheel chair onto it. Then I am going to get a chauffeur. The wheel chair that I am getting is $28,000 and insurance is going to cover 70%. So that is good. But what the heck! I have never even had a car that has been that expensive. All this stuff costs a lot of money. I am getting an iPhone 4 cause I can use it with my knuckle... and then I am going to get an Apple TV so I can control the TV from my IPhone. Then hook my computer up to it and go crazy."

I joked around about it sounding like a pretty plush Christmas and Rachael responded, "Ya, expect I have to pay for all of it."

When I asked Rachael what else is new she stuck her tongue out at me, smiled, and said, "I still have a whole but I do not have a trach, my stomach tube is gone and my filter out of my neck is gone. that hurt really bad."

"Dr. Leibovitz, I hate you," she joked due to the pain of getting all the tubes and filters out that had been a part of her for over 6 weeks. "My right shoulder really hurts too, cause I was starting to pump too much iron"

Another thing that was new, exciting and bit scary was that for the first time Racheal was out of her bed and out of her chair and propped upright in a standing brace. The contraption allowed Rachael to have the sensation of standing upright again for the first time. Due to her low blood pressure she become a bit dizzy and saw a few spots so it didn't last to long but it was an exciting moment and a vision to hold onto.

Along with Rachael and her family, we wish you all Happy Holidays and an awesome New Year. Thank you for your continued support, prayers, and good thoughts. Counting down the days until the 4th of January and still looking up with hope.

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 161 Big Sur Ca. 93920***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************