10.1.11 - Progress and the Pool

Finally some change!

For the past six months, I have been traveling up to San Jose (a 3-hour roundtrip, 3 days a week) for physical therapy and intense neuro-acupuncture, and its time for a change! I'm starting my own in- home physical therapy program, thanks to all the generous support from lots of caring people who've made this possible. A greenhouse-gym will soon be on my grandma's property in Carmel, housing my total gym, mat table, parallel bars, standing frame, and other useful recovery tools. Soon, I can eat tomatoes and work out at the same time! I'm very excited about the greenhouse, and even more excited about moving my physical therapist to Carmel, so I'll spend more time working out and much less time in the car. This will all start hopefully around November 1st, one year after my accident.

My core, arms and wrists are getting stronger, and I'm also having a lot of twitching in my thumbs. My legs have been slowly building muscle back, and I am able to lock my hips and knees, and bear weight. I have also gained some bladder control back, weeeeepeeeeee. The progress is sloooowwww, but constant. I can only expect more with my therapy moved in-house.

I continue to swim one day a week at the Josephine Kerns pool in Monterey, and hopefully can swim more once my therapy is moved to Carmel. I work on swimming, weight bearing and rolling over in the pool. I love being in the water and imagining that I am floating in the Caribbean.

I was given two little magical kitties, Honey Badger and Stiffy Goat, to roam the Carmel property, and hopefully help with our gopher problem. Friends and family have been helping with my garden, bringing some Big Sur to Carmel. I have been staying at my house in Big Sur a couple times a month, which has been really great; I miss it down there a lot.

I really can't say it enough: the continuous support of my family, friends and community is overwhelming, I feel the LOVE! Thank you!

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com**************

7.11.11 - Art and Acupuncture

Dear blog, It's been a while since I've checked in with everybody; my schedule is still pretty crazy. On Mondays, I have occupational therapy for my arms and hands at the new wellness center in Marina, and work with George, my physical therapist, at home. Tuesdays, I head to San Jose to work with Dr. Zhu, Sean, and Dr. Moyee from 2-6pm. This includes scalp acupuncture, an hour of body acupuncture, and three hours of intense physical therapy. I repeat this on Thursdays and Fridays. Wednesdays, I go to the Josephine Kearns Memorial pool and swim with Irving, and then come home to receive a massage from Jenny, and then body work from Marla.

I'm trying to stick to my Monday through Friday rehab schedule, and take Saturdays and Sundays for myself. I'm trying to stay positive, focus on the recovery, and keep myself busy. There are times when it is really hard, to say the least. I still find myself in denial that I am paralyzed. It seems like a temporary thing, and as long as I work hard my life will return to normal. I miss work, I miss my photography, I miss driving, I miss being alone, I miss gardening, and I really miss me.

I've been down to the Henry Miller Library for several concerts since April, and I've made it home to Big Sur. These "fun" things always bring up a roller coaster of emotions, reminding me of my past. Working with my camera is still a challenge. I've tried different things with my digital and film cameras, but have yet to find an easier way for me to do my photography. All in good time, I guess.

Regis and Kelly is no longer on the schedule, nor is playing angry birds on my ipad. I have bigger things to deal with now, like, do I have True Blood season 3 at my PO box right now? And, who will Ashley choose to marry on the Bachelorette?

Until the next post, thank you to my family and friends for your continuing support. I will walk for you.

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************

04.14.11- Rachael's Video

This short film of Racheal's recovery after her spinal injury is a look into her spirit and determination during the first stage of her new journey. She is an inspiration and continues to amaze us all.

Please watch/share and be the light.

A film by Campfire Creative
Filmed + Directed by Guru Khalsa
Produced + Edited by Dugan O'Neal

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************

04.10.11 - Rachael's Benefit

Rachael's first words on the microphone at her benefit, "Holy Shit!"

I think everybody was thinking the same thing at the sight of a community doing what it was made to do. Supporting each other. Laughing with and loving each other. And picking each other up when we fall.

Hundreds of people gathered to celebrate and support Rachael at the sold out Hidden Valley venue. Volunteers, chefs, winemakers, musicians, artists, friends and family all came out to do their part and support Rachael any way they knew how.

Working as a team we all raised over $100,000 to help support Rachael's journey!!! Donating time, art, music, food, wine and beyond everybody did their part in setting a stellar example of the good we can accomplish in this world when a community comes together. From the silent auction and food and wine to the entertainment and shirtless live auction the evening was a complete success.

This event was made possible by the generous loving efforts of Mollie O'Neal, Michael Jones, Gina Weston, Evynn Levalley, Alyse Levalley, Marika Anderson, Jay Auburn, Toby Rowland Jones, Ashley Downing and Erin Kenyon.

In the poetic words of Rachael Elizabeth Short the food and wine at the event was, "Holy Shit!". The palette was vast, boasting a menu fit for royalty, featuring locally acclaimed Executive chefs Cal Stamenov from Bernardus Lodge, Tim Wood from Carmel Valley Ranch and Chris Caul from Christopher's restaurant, as well as Michael Jones from A Moveable Feast (to name a few) and top wineries such as Silvestri and Talbott Vineyards. Sprinkle some live entertainment ontop from Nico Georis and Rick Chelew and we had ourselves a night to remember.


Photographs by Nic Coury
More Photos from TGO Photography here:

***Any donations can be sent to Rachael Short at her P.O. box 6445 Carmel 93921***

***************You can view Rachael's photographs at www.rachaelshort.com***************